Monday, August 5, 2013

a kajillion pictures.

I realize I'm way behind on updating this thing. So to make things easy I'm just going to overload you... we're talking completely bombard you... with pictures of the past few months and call it good. Here ya go.

Mudhens game with the Cahills

Watching the rain with Daddy. Not staged, mind you.

18 months!

12 hour road trip to GA

Gramps and Grammie. Family night.

Arthur in the bird's nest with Ryan and Kaylyn

4th of July festivities

Our first real harvest from our first real garden after being out of town for a week

Coming home from a day in the garden

Garden 2013

FHE with all 19 Griffioen grandkids

Detroit Temple

Smores with the fam. Also demonstrating what an airplane says

Big helper

First try with green smoothies. Success.

Pretty sure I have a baby picture similar to this. I'll have to do a comparison one of these days.

Father's Day 2013.

Showing off an awesome fort we built.

Playing in the awesome fort we built.

Packing for Georgia

His baseball and "bat"

Curly hair