Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Game changer

GUYS!!!!! This is huge news, and you may want to go write this down in your journal as the biggest single event in your life:

Youtube lets you play snake on their videos.

Too good to be true? I thought the same thing. But it's true! Let me explain.

We have very slow internet. So, often times a youtube video has to load. It brings up that spinning circle thing to show that it's loading. Simply press up (the directional key up) and the circle will change into a moving line of dots, and there will be a dot that you can go "eat" to make it longer. It's the game snake! And you can even play it while the movie has loaded. It's pretty awesome.

If your internet is too fast, perhaps if you jump ahead in the video and then try it, you may have a split second before it loads.

This is amazing.


  1. BAHAHA! This may be the greatest blog post ever written! :)

  2. I knew something good had to come out of slow internet. :o)
