Sunday, November 11, 2012

Birthday Bash 2012 with GIFs!

So, I had my birthday!  Hooray!  How old, you ask?  Old enough that my car insurance premium went down.  And old enough that I can now rent a car!  That's right - I'm 25.

My birthday was October 30.  I'm a bit late posting, for which I apologize.  At the same time, blogging has never been a true strength for me, so I don't feel too badly.  But my birthday was pretty awesome so I feel like I need to write something down.

For starters, everyone was extremely sick.  Super bad colds, headaches galore, and used tissues overflowing from each garbage bin.  Even as sick as we all were, Becca was able to make my birthday a special day for me.

Usually we wake up around 7:40 or so, wishing that we could go back to bed for another five minutes.  Often Trevor is crying or talking to himself which prevents us from doing so.  On my birthday, I slept in till 9:00!  I know some of you may be thinking, "Psh, 9:00?  I sleep in until at least 11:00 each Saturday".  I used to do that once in a while too.  Then we had a baby.  And while Trevor is totally worth any minor sacrifices that we make, sleeping in is very very rare.  So waking up at 9:00 was not only refreshing, but I had almost forgotten what waking up after 8:00 was like.

But then when I woke up, it's not like I just woke up to an alarm or Trevor wanting to play with his daddy... No no no.. I woke up to breakfast in bed!  Who has the best wife in the world?  I'll give you a hint - it's my wife.  I hadn't even been up for more than 30 seconds and it was already a perfect day.

Let me show you a few things that don't add to a perfect day, and I avoided at all costs.

1 - Watching soccer.  Seriously.

funny gifs

2 - Golfing.  Especially with personal items as a tee.

funny gifs

3 - Asking karma to kick me in the pants.

funny gifs

4 - Attempt to exercise

funny gifs

So, crises averted.  The day was pretty epic from 9:00 on.  Becca skipped work to take care of me all day, and Trevor was an awesome little boy.  We just relaxed, watched TV, took a nap, played with T-dawg, and then we ate cake!  It was German chocolate cake (I've had cheesecake for as long as I can remember, and while my mom was in town she got me a cheesecake, so I thought German Chocolate might be good.  It was dee-lish), and after we devoured it, Becca gave me my presents, all of which were winners.

In the end, my b-day felt like a special day, because Becca made it special for me.  I'm so glad she married me and that I get to be with her forever and ever.  I love her more than anything, and without a doubt the best thing of the day was simply getting to be with her the entire day.  I could have gotten a pile of nothing for my presents, and it still would have been a successful birthday.  I'm 25, and happier than ever.  Happy birthday to me!

P.S.  A shout out to all my older siblings, and in-laws and such.  For as I grow older and feel it, I'm sure glad there will always be you guys to look up to and make me feel young again.  Thank you.  I'm sincerely grateful.


  1. Those video clips are hilarious. I'm relieved you didn't golf your back pack off a mountain or any of those things. And yes, Beck is awesome. I'm glad you had a good birthday Ben.

  2. I hate it when I am in runner's lunge the second before the race starts and I end up kissing the track with both legs in the air. Definitely glad you could avoid that experience on your special day. Happy Birthday, Ben!

  3. Good thing I can always look to you to make me feel young ;) oldie!

  4. BAHAHAHAHA! The backpack one is so funny! And I'm glad to be of service. Anything for the birthday boy.

  5. Happy Birthday Ben! You are hilarious!
