Thursday, October 17, 2013

Apple Picking

We went apple picking with some of Ben's family the last week in September. We went to a pretty new orchard which was nice because the apples were so low to the ground that even Trevor could help pick them. Speaking of Trevor, he was in heaven. He ate like twenty apples that night (maybe a slight exaggeration). He loved it. We picked a bushel of Jonathans, Gala and Jonagolds and made eighteen quarts of applesauce that weekend. The way that boy has been devouring it though, it may not last too long.



  1. Those are beautiful apples. And again, you guys are most impressive. In the first picture it looks like the shark on Trevor's shirt is trying to take a bite out of his apple.

  2. You guys are so cute. Especially Trev. I can't believe how big he is getting! Such a little man.

  3. That looks like so much fun and Trevor looks so grown up! Miss you guys.
