Sunday, June 12, 2011

i can't think of a title...

It's been a busy past few weeks here. That's my excuse for not blogging in a month and a half, but mostly it's just because I really have a hard time ever coming up with things to write (although somehow my posts always end up being way long. I don't get it). But I will continue to do it for our (something like three) loyal readers. Plus, I really think I'll be happy I did it years from now when I look back to reminisce on life.

We've had the pleasure of being able to visit with a ton of family lately. Libby, Ben's sister, was married to Paul Hannibal a couple of weeks ago and most of Ben's family was able to come out to see it happen. It was great to see everyone! Although we do wish they'd been able to stay a bit longer. The wedding was wonderful, and Libby was absolutely beautiful. I wish we had gotten some decent pictures, but you'll have to take my word for it. It was gorgeous. Congrats again Libby and Paul! Ben's Mom got to stay out here for another few weeks after the wedding to be here for the birth of the newest grandchild, Ian. He is adorable. Congrats again Ruth and Dan!

During the week Ben's family was here, we also got to see my sister, Shauna, and her family. We got to meet her newest little one, Jackson, for the first time. And boy is he a cutie! It was great to see them.

Spring term is almost over! I don't think I have ever been more excited or more ready for a break from school. I've been taking three classes this term, which doesn't sound too bad, but when you take in to account the fact that those three classes were crammed into a period of seven weeks, it sounds a little more scary. And this term was, in fact, scary. Particularly one class. Methods of Health Promotion. The main project in the class was a group paper, 25 pages, on increasing access to healthy food in inner city America. Fascinating, I know. The problem with the paper was that there was really no direction on how it was supposed to be written. He gave us an example of another student's paper from last semester, so we followed that format and called it good. It wasn't until we showed it to him this week, the week before it is due, and asked him one question about it that we find out that the example he had given us was actually completely different than what he wanted us to turn in, and that we“have really good information here, but it's not written quite right” and we have to re-write the entire paper. Not cool. Basically, I am looking forward to the final on Tuesday, because it means that class is behind me for the rest of my life. Woohoo!

There have been good things about the semester though. For instance, in one class (Health Behavior Change) our teacher was doing a study to find out if the iPad could be effective in helping people improve their diets. So, he gave everyone in our class an iPad for seven weeks to find out. Overall, I think it was not very effective, because there are much cooler things to do on the iPad than look up nutrition facts on everything you put in your mouth, but it was still a fun project. Also, I read a great book. It's called “Influencer” by... I can't think of the guy's name, but he also wrote “Crucial Conversations” which is a book that Ben has been reading lately. It was a great book and I highly recommend it to anyone who ever has any reason to change behavior. Your own, or someone else's. Very interesting.

In other news, despite the fact that Church starts at 2:30 in the afternoon, we are in an awesome ward right now. The people are great, everyone lives super close to each other, and the bishop knows my family. I was in an interview with him last week and I learned he went to graduate school at UGA and he was in the same ward my family was in back in '87. He said something like, “I bet we may even know some of the same people! Do you know... the Mingledorff's? Currie and ViAnn?” Ha! What are the chances? Turns out Dad was his counselor in the Elders Quorum way back in the day. Small world.

Ben and I both got callings a couple weeks ago. We miss being in the same calling together, but our current callings are definitely helping us to grow. For instance, I will go ahead and admit, I am the worst visiting teacher on the planet. I don't know what it is, I am just super lazy or something and visiting teaching frequently slips my mind, or I come up with some excuse why I can't go that month. It's awful. And I just got called as a visiting teaching supervisor. Great.

Ben's calling is a little different. He was called as the ward service coordinator. He sets up service projects for the ward, and takes care of the building. That means after church, he takes out the trash and cleans up, turns off lights, locks doors, etc. Sounds like it wouldn't be a big deal. But I am shocked by the number of putrid diapers left in trashcans all over the church building. I'm pretty sure there are about eight wards that meet in our building, and the babies must really add up. It is disgusting. But Ben sure is a trooper. I even walked in on him vigorously working to unclog a toilet in the women's restroom today, and he still managed to leave church with a smile on his face. He fulfills his calling dutifully and humbly (whether by choice or not). I sure am lucky to be married to that guy. He is awesome.

I feel like I need to throw in a little bit of a shout out to one of my very best friends ever/my dear old roommate, Caitlin Olson. This girl is incredible. I don't know how I would have survived these first few years of college without her. She is the sweetest, most hilarious and loving girl you will ever meet. She has been called on a mission to Argentina, and reports to the MTC on July 27th. She will definitely be missed, but I have no doubt she will be a fantastic missionary.


  1. Becca - thanks for the recent post. I check your blog every few days for updates.

    Why would a teacher show an example of a huge paper, only to turn around later and say that's not the way to do it? I can understand why you'd be ready to be done with that class, and this semester.

    Amazing coincidence about your Bishop, too. The church is still a small world.

    I can envision Ben smiling as he serves. It's a great mental picture.

    We look forward to seeing you guys soon, for vacation. Good luck finishing up.

  2. Yay for the end of the semester!!! And that's really cool that your Bishop knows Mom and Dad. I love hearing updates from you two and we are really excited to see you again soon!

  3. Puh, LOL!!!! I died when I read about Ben cleaning up. I don't know why that is SO funny, but it made my morning :) Congrats finishing up! WE love ya'll!
