Thursday, October 25, 2012

Trevor - 10 months

 Time for the monthly blog post! Trevor turns 10 months old today. Double digit baby. Good grief.

This month, he moved on from the army crawling! That's right, he crawls like a normal baby these days. It's not faster, I think he just realized that it requires a lot less effort. He loves to cruise along the furniture and pull everything down and make giant messes to wade through/trip over. He started waving this month! He also waves/fans his hand at anything hot (candle, lightbulb, stove...). His favorite animal sound is a chicken. Ben and Trevor have conversations that consist of "buk"ing back and forth over and over again quite frequently. It is adorable.

He's been sick this last week with a fever and a nasty cold. It's really sad and he's not really into eating anything right now. It stresses me out. But he's hanging in there. Other than that, he's just been getting bigger, cuter, and more fun! We sure love the little guy. Happy 10 months, T!

This kid loves peaches.

Conference Activities

Nana came to visit!

Trev and cousin Vince

First snow of the year


  1. Ahhh! He is so cute! The "conference activities" pic looks way too familiar. Just times it by 2 for us. And I love the first picture of him with the pumpkin. Can't wait to see all of you again some time!
